Cara Upgrade CentOS dari 6.X ke 6.5 merupakan halpenting untuk melakukan update pada sistem operasi centos, terus bagaimana
Cara Upgrade CentOS dari 6.X ke 6.5? tentu sangat mudah untuk melakukan update centous ini, hanya beberapa coment dan segelas kopi untuk menunggu update selesesai, terjawabsudah
Cara Upgrade CentOS dari 6.X ke 6.5. Oke lanjut ke
Cara Upgrade CentOS dari 6.X ke 6.5
Upgrade to CentOS 6.5 from CentOS 6.4/6.3/6.2/6.1/6.0
1. Change to root User
2. Backup all important data
- Backup /etc diretory
- Backup important logs /var/log
- Backup web server configs and sites
- Dump MySQL databases
- Dump PostgreSQL databases
- Backup all what you need if something goes wrong
3. Check list of packages that are going to be updated
4. Upgrade with yum update
Official way to do upgrade:
Another way to do update is first
clean all, second
update glibc, yum, rpm and python packages and then
update other packages like following:
yum clean all
yum update glibc* yum* rpm* python*
yum update
5. Reboot
6. Check CentOS 6.5 (Final) release info and Check your entire system
cat /etc/redhat-release
## Output ##
CentOS release 6.5 (Final)
Following needs
redhat-lsb package
Check that your system is working normally and test every services.
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