First PhoneGap App with Android using Eclipse Step by Step on Windows

Hi there! Today i'm gonna show you, how to create your first PhoneGap App with Android using Eclipse on Windows in a few minutes. While searching the web for a "Hello World Project" i found a lot of posts but no one had a good quality or was detailed enough, so anyone could understand it if starting by zero.
So i'm trying to simplify this process as much as possible and give this know how further to you all. Pre-requisite is that you have read and done all the steps from the post: How to install PhoneGap on Windows. So i'll assume you have done those steps and are ready to start. 

ATTENTION: In this post we are gonna see a PhoneGap Project (with plain javascript).
If you are looking for an Android App Project (with plain Java) so go to: First Android App Step by Step

We will learn how to:
  • download and install PhoneGap
  • create a new Android App Project
  • change the project from Java to Javascript
  • prepare the Activity-Class to work with PhoneGap
  • create a simple index.html file to run on the App
  • prepare the Manifest-file before running it
  • to run the App
  • shortcut all those steps

Download and install PhoneGap

Go to PhoneGap and download the newst version of it and unzip it in any place you want. (at the time i wrote this post it was PhoneGap 2.2.0) I recommend to unzip it in the development directory C:\development as described in the post How to install PhoneGap on Windows. You should see a structure like this bellow.

So before going ahead lets do some changes here. Select the folder phonegap-phonegap-8a3aa47 and press Ctrl+X, go into C\development and paste it here with Ctrl+V and rename it to phonegap-2.2.0 so that you have the new structure as shown bellow. After that delete the empty folder called: phonegap-phonegap-2.2.0-0-g8a3aa47.

Creating a new Android App Project

Ok, now lets create a normal Android App Project first before comming back to this new PhoneGap structure. Start Eclipse if not already running and press Ctrl+N to start the project wizard and create a new project like that: (See picture sequence bellow and don't worry about the details at this point. As soon as we get further we will understand it.)

Thats the result if everything goes fine. At this point this App is still a plain java project. We will change it now to a PhoneGap App in a few minutes. Don't worry about the App name or other properties at this point of the post. We can change everything if we want. Let's keep the focus on the really important setup things we shall know.

Changing the project from Java to Javascript PhoneGap App

First create a new folder called www and a new file called index.html. both in the project folder assets. By me it looks like this:

Ok, that's the interresting part of it. To do this, go back now to the PhoneGap structure we've unzipped in the C:\ directory and look for the android folder in it. By me it looks like C:\development\phonegap-2.2.0\lib\android and then you should see the picture bellow: (locate the points 1) 2) and 3) of it)

Copy now the point 1) 2) and 3) in the project structure the way you see bellow.

Prepare the Activity-Class

Ok we are almost done. Just a few changes before running it. In the eclipse locate the src-folder and open the class in it and change it that way you'll see bellow: (I leave the comments so you can see what I've changed)

import org.apache.cordova.DroidGap;

import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.Menu;

public class MainActivity extends /* Activity */DroidGap {

    // @Override
    // protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    // super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
    // setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);
    // }

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
        // Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.
        getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);
        return true;


Content of Index.html

Ok now copy paste this HTML-Code into the index.html file we've created in the assets-folder.
    <title>First App</title>
  <script src="cordova-2.2.0.js"></script>
     function onLoad(){
          document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, true);
     function onDeviceReady(){ navigator.notification.alert("PhoneGap is working!!");
  <body onload="onLoad();">
       <h1>Welcome to PhoneGap</h1>
       <h2>Edit assets/www/index.html</h2>

Prepare the Manifest-File before launching

In the manifest file called AndroidManifest.xml make sure you have inserted the following code in it:(Tip: in order to not do it all by hand, look at C:\development\phonegap-2.2.0\lib\android\example\AndroidManifest.xml and copy/paste it from there.)

Running the App

Select your file and run it as Android application. (make sure you've an AVD installed as we have seen in the post How to install PhoneGap on Windows) If everything goes well you'll see that picture bellow. Thats all. From here you can now develop your app further.

Setup-Shortcut for the Developers under us

Ok there is a even better way to do this.(I've shown all steps first so we do not overwhelm us with to much stoff)  Delete the folder www in the eclipse project. Then look into PhoneGap directory C:\development\phonegap-2.2.0\lib\android\example\assets There you'll encounter a sample structure. Just copy it into assets folder like i did bellow instead of doing it by hand. It should look like this if you run it:

Another good short-cut the youtube video PhoneGap Android Tutorial.
That's all. Now let's develop some "real" PhoneGap Apps. ;-)) Have fun!

Apa Itu Phonegap? Phonegap Oh Phonegap

Apa Itu Phonegap? Phonegap Oh Phonegap tak terbayang ketika mendengar kata itu. Dalam hati "iku opo? kok aku ra reti kuper tenan" tapi santai langsung googling liat di google ketikin "apa itu phonegap" ternyata ndak keluar apa apa.... saya tunggu 5 menit tak keluar apa... ternyata belum saya enter Sial.... hahahaha.

Nah ane cari tu Apa Itu Phonegap ketemu dah di pencarian google ane cari atu per atuk... ketemu tulisan paling bagus dari blognya nah karena blogspot ane buka dah, biasanya kalau ndak blogspot banyak ndak nyangkutnya :D.
Kurang lebih artikel tentang phonegap seperti ini. Easily create apps using the web technologies you know and love: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
PhoneGap is a free and open source framework that allows you to create mobile apps using standardized web APIs for the platforms you care about.( ini copas dari website resminya.

Pernyataan diatas berarti Phonegap dapat memudahkan kita membuat suatu apps menggunakan teknologi web yang kita ketahui seperti HTML, CSS, dan Javascript. Phonegap sendri adalah suatu framework yang free dan bersifat open source dan tentunya menggunakan standar web API untuk platform yang akan dikembangkan.
Gambar di bawah ini akan lebih memperjelas apa itu phonegap . .

Keunggulan Phonegap lainnya dia menyediakan compile on cloud system, jadi kita bisa melakukan compiling program yang sudah kita buat menjadi Smartphone apps secara online. .
Berikut adalah daftar OS yang bisa dibuat menggunakan Phonegap:
  1. IPhone
  2. Android
  3. BlackBerry
  4. WebOS
  5. Windows Phone 7,8
  6. Symbian
  7. Bada
Selain itu phonegap juga menyediakan API untuk melakukan akses terhadap hardware device yang ada di atas. Walaupun secara performa apps yang dihasilkan oleh phonegap tidak sehalus dari native apss, tetapi phonegap bisa jadi alternatif jika kita ingin mengembangkan smartphone apps hanya menggunakan bahasa yang ada dalam teknologi web.
thanks mas  sleepingtux dah ane copy artikelnya :D.
semoga bermanfaat,