Why do I see Apache Test page? Centos 6.4

Despite this, many of our new clients/customer and new admin/user does not understand why would a website show an Apache Test page ?

Apache test page means...

The Apache test page, means your server is configured properly and ready to use. Technically speaking this page is the default index page when you install Apache web server first time.

So how can I make the Apache test page go away?

Simple open your /var/www/index.html file and modify it or delete file (though it might trigger new error). Under Red Hat Enterprise Linux/CentOS/Fedora Core, rename or delete a file/etc/httpd/conf.d/welcome.conf to make sure you do not see Apache test page.
You may now add content to the directory /var/www/html/. Note that until you do so, people visiting your website will see default page and not your content. To prevent this page from ever being used, follow the instructions in the file /etc/httpd/conf.d/welcome.conf.
If you do not know much about Apache web server, configuration it is better to take help of seasoned Linux/Unix administrator, IMHO.

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